COVID-19 Update

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Dear Patients

Firstly, we want to say we sincerely hope you; your friends and family are healthy during these potentially stressful and uncertain time.

The practice will remain open and we will continue to treat our patients as normal unless we receive direct instructions from our governing bodies or central government to close.   Should we receive instructions to close we have set up the practice remotely where you will still be able to speak with a member of the reception team, schedule and rearrange appointments, we will have on call Dentists for routine, emergency and acute pain treatments, simply call the practice as normal  020 8987 9977, we will be able to assist you. In the event of a lockdown we will be operating a 9am-5pm Monday – Friday service remotely. Alternatively you may wish to continue to contact us via email on .

A health crisis like the COVID-19 outbreak presents unexpected and unprecedented challenges for us all but would like to assure you as your healthcare provider that you will continue to be safe in our environment carrying our your dental treatments as normal, our cross infection and decontamination and sterilisation processes continue to remain at the highest standard possible.

Please be reassured that at ALL times, this practice has performed and continues to work within the Universal Precaution Guidelines.   We are also taking extra precautions based on NHS, GDC BDA, recommendations to ensure your additional safety, the safety of other patients and our staff whilst attending your dental appointment especially when dealing with and potential risks from COVID-19.

We are doing everything we can to avoid reducing practice hours as the Covid-19 impacts upon every community. We will remain open unless otherwise instructed by the Government as we would want to limit the extra burden that would be placed on the NHS for receiving dental patients as well.

During this outbreak, we ask that you keep your appointments. If you cannot, please let us know in advance so we can reschedule you and have our team help other patients who may require an appointment.

We routinely carry out infection control procedures, however the Extra measures we have put in place as listed below but NOT Limited to:

  • Our infection prevention control, decontamination and sterilisation continue to remain at the highest level and after every patient the instruments, room, equipment, patient glasses and chairs are thoroughly disinfected and sterilised. Clinical masks, gloves and patient bibs and cups are clinically disposed of and fresh equipment and instruments are prepared for the next patient.
  • Our common areas are thoroughly wiped down and disinfected, multiple times a day.
  • All of our common area doors are being left open to minimize the constant touching of handles.  We do sanitise the front door handles and the reception desk.
  • We are limiting our direct patient contact by our non-clinical staff, and our treating staff have extra protective equipment that are being used for your safety and protection and the protection of the clinical team treating you during your appointment.
  • Our frequently shared items, such as pens, tissue boxes, business cards, credit card machines, seating areas are thoroughly wiped down and disinfected. All Magazines and children’s books have been removed along with patient information leaflets, the bathroom is regularly checked disinfected and deep cleaned by our team.
  • The drinking water we provide for patients will no longer be available.
  • The practice, as always, will continue to be deep cleaned throughout and on an ongoing basis.
  • We have placed extra hand sanitizer pumps around the practice and encourage all patients and staff to use it often, as well as washing your hands thoroughly before entering the treatment rooms.
  • We aim to have no more than two patients in our waiting area at one time and ask our patients to exercise social distancing from our staff on the reception desk and other patients in our waiting area.

IMPORTANT: If you or any other member or your household have tested positive for COVID-19 or think you may have been infected or you have been in self-Isolation, please contact us in advance, please do not visit the practice. We may then instruct you on how to proceed and we are better able to safeguard you, other patients and the staff and continue to keep the practice safe for everyone.

If we are able to assist you further, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns about your upcoming, treatment, appointments or are uncertain if you should attend your scheduled appointment.

We are here to help you, keep well and be safe.

Chiswick Park Dental & Facial
Tel: 020 8987 9977

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