Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment In Chiswick

When a tooth becomes badly damaged or infected, it may be necessary to consider a root canal treatment.

This is often preferable to removing the tooth as, when carried out correctly, the tooth can be filled and still used to full effect, which will also help to support the other teeth in the jaw.

Although antibiotics can offer some relief to the pain and inflammation, it will be necessary for your dentist to remove the infection to heal the unhealthy tooth entirely wholly.

To improve and maximise the success of the treatment, we offer microscopic root canal treatment. This approach allows your dentist to accurately find all the canals inside the roots, ensuring they are completely cleared of infection and adequately sealed.

Our experienced dentists understand that many patients will be nervous about undergoing a root canal treatment. So we will try to discuss the procedure with you, taking the time to answer any questions you may have. This will also include considering the most appropriate pain relief for you to feel an as little discomfort as possible, with safe sedation an option for anxious patients.

Once your dentist has been able to remove the damaged area of the tooth, they will clean and disinfect the cavity, which often extends deep into the tooth’s canals. The tooth is then filled and sealed, preventing further damage or decay and returning it to its full shape and function.

It was once the case that this could be a painful treatment for some patients. Still, with today’s advances in dentistry and anaesthesia, many people experience little or no pain during treatment.

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Chiswick Park Dental

Opening Hours

Monday 8.30am – 5:30pm
Tuesday 8.00am – 8.00pm
Wednesday 8.00am – 8.00pm
Thursday 9.00am – 7.00pm
Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm
Saturday – by appointment
Orthodontic Clinic & Hygienist 10.00am – 5.00pm twice each month