Micro-needling with PRF

Micro-needling With PRF In Chiswick

Micro-needling, is a method of introducing a controlled microneedle into the skin, triggering a release of natural growth factors, new collagen & elastin.

The device produces excellent rejuvenating results of the skin in general and in the treatment of fine lines, acne scars, traumatic scars and enlarged pores.

The device has 3 times more needles than a standard derma roller and can be used for face treatments, neck and body with stretch marks and deep body scars.

This treatments is associated with PRF .

PRF is a concentrate of platelet-rich fibrin derived from whole blood and centrifuged to remove red blood cells.

It has a greater concentration of white cell (for protection and repair), platelet and fibrin (for healing properties), and particularly growth factors (for natural cell stimulation of collagen).

Organically the whole blood is used to stimulate repair and growth in many aspects of medicine. The process does not have side effect because it uses your components.

The procedure consists in taking a sample of your blood. This is then spun in a centrifuge to a very specific speed, to extract the correct portion of cells.

This is either injected or used in conjunction with micro-needling.

Prior numbing with a topical anaesthetic for 30-45minutes  makes the procedure more comfortable.

The actual procedure takes approximately 30 minutes.

A pre-consultation is required before starting the treatment.

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Chiswick Park Dental

Opening Hours

Monday 8.30am – 5:30pm
Tuesday 8.00am – 8.00pm
Wednesday 8.00am – 8.00pm
Thursday 9.00am – 7.00pm
Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm
Saturday – by appointment
Orthodontic Clinic & Hygienist 10.00am – 5.00pm twice each month